Nursing as a Profession

Nursing has become a very popular career choice these days but it is a career that requires a lot of discipline and sacrifice. For a person who is not in the job, everything about nursing seems either very hard or too easy. Easy or hectic, working as a nurse sure does change a woman's life in ways more than one.

Every woman who works as a nurse can be described as meticulous as the nature of their work makes them more proficient each day. She wakes up early every morning but the time she can go home or go to sleep is never fixed. A nurse is always on the move either serving the patients or helping the doctor. She becomes more attentive each day, as it is her responsibility to do as directed. A woman in a nursing job leaves any room for error and is extremely careful in attending to the ailing and needy patients. She is always focused on the job at hand.  Nursing is a profession that requires a woman to work spontaneously and perform multiple tasks simultaneously. A nurse builds the strength to work without breaks, performing one task after the other without compromising speed and efficiency.

She remains fit even though she is doing a rigorous duty. She makes sure that her patients are healthy and takes care of herself and her family. Psychologically a nurse is stronger than many. Every day in the hospitals or clinics, she has to serve patients who are in pain and suffering. Not all get healed and leave the hospitals happily. Some of them breathe their last breaths right in front of the nurses. The families of the patients break down and sometimes may be very unforgiving towards the nurses. It is at these times the nurses show tolerance while controlling their emotions and reactions. The long-term effects of seeing such situations do affect the emotional and mental state of the nurses no matter how tough they may show themselves to be while on duty. Yet, they wake up each day with renewed enthusiasm and set out to work.

People always call upon the nurses in times of need but forget to thank them when the work is done. While they are rebuked for errors in this profession too busy to find time for appraisals. Among all these a woman working as a nurse keeps working on, day in and day out to feed and serve not only herself and her family but the rest of the society.

As I want to join the nursing school, I have fully aware of the challenges I have to face to become a nurse. I have prepared myself mentally for the tough tasks ahead of me. As a preparation tool, I am leading a well-disciplined life that involves sleeping and waking up on time. I practice patience and tolerance through guided meditations and counselling available online. To develop my physical strength I follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

It is very important to be academically excellent if one desires to get into the best nursing schools. For this reason, I have joined an academy where I can strengthen my language skills in addition to clearing the concepts of science and mathematics. The academy also has a basic introductory course for aspiring nursing school candidates’ to enrich the chances of admission. I keep myself up to date with my preparation so that I can guarantee my chances to enter a good nursing institute.

I have completed a full body checkup and am in excellent health thereby fulfilling a necessary condition to study the science of nursing. In addition, I have undertaken all the necessary immunization that are available to this day. Furthermore, I have acquired the necessary tools and items needed at the nursing school. These arrangements have kept me mentally ready to pursue the career of my dream.

I vow to myself that I shall give full effort in learning and applying the knowledge I attain at the nursing institute to serve the people who are in dire need of care and comfort at times of illness. I shall tackle the challenges in nursing school with confidence and positivity and make the best out of my learning. 

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