Forget the word "shortcut" to achieve success.

Many of our students are in such a hurry to 'success' that they eagerly wait to take any shortcuts that come across their way. But in real life, the term ‘shortcuts’ usually leads to disappointments rather than quicker success. The key to any success is to accept the essential moves to steadily progress rather than any skip of them. Even for that move, you may fail for few times and obviously, it is part of success.  


Once Benjamin Franklin quoted, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Unfortunately, we do not want to learn, we need only job. But everyone is as successful as they absolutely deserve to be. 

ATM Mahmud who is more known as ATM sir, has been working with students and learners for long years. He said, "Nowadays students are giving more importance to gain certificate rather than learn something new. When they come to me to learn English or any other available courses, the most common question from them, 'sir what will be the outcome after three months? May I able to pass competitive exam? I get surprised on that time.

For them my suggestion is you have to forget about exam at first, when you learn something accurately, success will find you and surely you will pass the exam also.


ATM sir added, we must understand that success is not a material thing. It cannot be grasped or touched. Success comes from the sum of many works. We want to be successful. But do not want to suffer or fail. Delays are not tolerated. Yeah, everyone’s case is not same. Still someone has eagerness to learn and they can find joy in learning. For them I want to give a special message. If you think you cannot develop your skills for only financial crises, do not feel shay for that. You can watch my so many videos in social media (Facebook & YouTube) to learn something new and it is absolutely free. Even you can come to my office any time, I will make you admitted in any courses which you need and it’s free of cost.


The key to success is to stick with focus and dedication. It also requires special efforts and intensive pursuits. And it is not a matter of money. Just Read and read. Keep remember, work that has no interest or joy will never succeed. I know a writer who had been struggling to get noticed. He wrote blogs but no one cared and now he is a famous one after lots of failure and hard work.


ATM sir do not believe in merit. He told, “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. So there is no space for meritorious one if he is not hard worker. Many of us are gifted with some special talent. It could be singing, writing, acting or painting. But all of these god gifted talents may become meaningless if you do not put your best. At an extreme level, we give up on efforts, when we face several failure. But this is the finest time to start your new attempt and work harder to turn your fortunes. 

In any stage of life, it is crucial to remember there is no shortcut to success. So before start your steps do not worried about your failure, it will create excuses for putting off work.  Hard work makes you prepare for the challenges in your next step and assists to make the transition towards your goal easy.

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