Some say Creative, some say Content, why not both?

If we differentiate between creative writing and content writing, the relationship, connection or adjustment whatever to say I think they are an integral part of each of them.  Although writing techniques are different, still the creative thing applies to both.
By means of writing, many of us may understand stories, plays or any other creative literary work. But in a real sense, these are all the spectra and aroma of writing itself. Mainly writing are two types, first one  is  Creative Writing and the other one is Content Writing. Besides that, there are many means of writing as part and parcel.
Creative writing is such type of works which is based on literature. It could be a story, a novel, a play or a parable in one's own small feelings. Creative Writer has no range and no obligation. Because creative writers are born with a unique ability to hold the reader in their writing. The vision of creating writing depends on the personal feelings of an enthusiastic writer as well as his unparalleled imagination. However, these inner imaginations and feelings of a writer are closely connected with the world of emotion, clarity and the cruel reality of life. Moreover, it tries to reflect our own life. A creative writer can never be confined to one character. The writer's character also changes due to the environment and the variety of the story. The writer easily penetrates into the character of a serial killer and In the same story, the author becomes a loving mother. This is basically the identity of a creative writer who is much more than one's own character traits of a different character. However, As just not all stories are successful, not all characters become fructuous. The responsibility of a creative writer is not limited to character creation, Strong description of the character is also possible for a skilled writer only. And as a result one character becomes different and unique from the other. At the same time, a character becomes a successful character only when the struggle of that character is against the inequality of the society or the struggle is for the right to live a little in a hostile environment, to eat a little. Creative writers are considered as a tool to change the culture of the society and the country. Because, only through the published writings of a creative writer can the reader or the conscious people of the country know the shortcomings of that society. Books, newspaper, magazines or drama-movies are used as a medium between creative writers and readers.

On the other hand, Content writing is the creation of content for a specific purpose. It would be wrong to call it as an open discussion. Some people call it technical writing as well as web writing. Content writing is basically the writing that is done to learn more about a specific product or a subject. Content writers mostly work with the marketing team of a company. Because, a marketing representative markets his product with the content written by the writer. So the importance of a writer in this sector is significant. Highlighting the features of a specific product or subject in a witty way is the most important thing to do when working as a content writer. So that the content writer's writing attracts the buyer to buy that product even though there is another company's same product still available in the market. This is the biggest challenge of a content writer. Another important aspect of content writing is keywords. Now many beginner in this sector may be wondering what are keywords? How to use it in content writing? An example should be given in this case. Suppose, I will market a new product name as 'neon Chanachur' from my company. The specialty of this product (Neon chanachur) is 'Hot and Spicy'. These 'hot and spicy' are my product keywords. In different way Like if I add not only nuts, you can also get gram with this chanachur which is booster to reduce your fat comparatively. So in same price you get a mixed taste of chanachur-nuts and gram. For this, Reducing the cost of the company, I may be able to abate the amount of nuts a little more than before. On the other hand, when content writer writes a content related to education, Keywords should be study, education, career or like this. So that when a educational enthusiastic do search on Google, the  article can be read in the top row. The words of content writing are very limited. Because the product description is given here, so the buyer will never be attracted to read your extended writing. Rather you need to be able to convey the customer with your limited keywords about your product facility.
Now, I am going to the similarities between content writing and creative writing though there are very few. The biggest thing in this case is the tagline of the two which is writer. So anyone can write content on anything they want, that is not really the case. Because even when writing content, you have to put some keywords or special words in the content so that the buyer of your product or topic is interested in that topic or content which is possible only for a creative and skilled writer. Both Content Writer and Creative Writer have to do a lot of research, read. A content writer has to do research and understand the mindset of the market or his client and then write the content of the product. On the contrary, creative writers create literature by understanding the mindset of the readers.
Finally in my opinion, content writer requires lots of technical knowledge and know the right keywords to use and follow a certain structure to write the content of the product or topic. And in creative writing a writer amalgamates his/her immense visualization and pragmatic knowledge which will be become everybody's story through his writing craftsmanship. 

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